2011年3月27日 星期日

Reduces effects of radiation by Spirulina

Organic Spirulina lowers radiation
Years after the Chernobyl disaster, four million people in Ukraine and Belarus live in dangerously radioactive areas. The water, soil and food over an 11,000 square mile area is contaminated. Over 160,000 children are victims of radiation poisoning, with birth defects, leukemia, cancer, thyroid disease, anemia, loss of vision and appetite and depressed immune system, now called "Chernobyl AIDS." Doctors reported spirulina's health benefits for child victims of Chernobyl radiation. Spirulina reduced urine radioactivity levels by 50% in only 20 days. This result was achieved by giving 5 grams a day to children at the Minsk, Belarus Institute of Radiation Medicine. The Institute program treated 100 children every 20 days. [1]  In a 1991 study of 49 kindergarten children aged 3 to 7 years old in Beryozova, spirulina was given to 49 children for 45 days. Doctors found T-cell suppressors and beneficial hormones rose, and in 83% of the children, radioactivity of the urine decreased. [1]

A comprehensive evaluation was done in 162 patients-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. Of these, 80 percent were diagnosed as having stage I and II dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE), 20 percent were in stage III. It is shown that DE progression is caused by great strain on and breakdown of auto-regulatory mechanisms of different biological systems (vascular, central nervous and vegetative, hormonal), and of central regulatory mechanisms as well. Under certain conditions there may occur their breakdown, with syncopal states, crises, and even insults developing in its wake. Treatment and rehabilitation of DE liquidators with pyracetam, vinpocetine, cerebrolysine with magne B6, and phytosorbents (spirulina, quercitrol, and vitapectine) lead to reconditioning of central and autoregulatory compensatory-and-adaptive mechanisms, long-lasting remission, provide complication prophylaxis and promote work activity. [2]

An unpublished 1993 report confirmed 1990-91 research, concluding "spirulina decreases radiation dose load received from food contaminated with radionucleides, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. It is favorable for normalizing the adaptive potential of children's bodies in conditions of long-lived low dose radiation." [3]

Based on testing in 1990, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded spirulina promotes the evacuation of radionucleides from the human body. No side effects were registered. The Ministry considered this food was advisable for the treatment of people subject to radiation effects, and requested additional donations from the Earthrise Company of California and Dainippon Ink & Chemicals of Japan. [4]

Previous research in China in 1989 demonstrated a natural polysaccharide extract of spirulina had a protective effect against gamma radiation in mice. [5]

A Russian patent was awarded in 1994 for the use of spirulina as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness. The patent was based on a study of 270 children living in highly radioactive areas. They had chronic radiation sickness and elevated levels of Immunoglobulin (IgE), a marker for high allergy sensitivity. Thirty five were prescribed 20 tablets per day (about 5 grams) for 45 days. Consuming spirulina lowered the levels of IgE in the blood, which in turn, normalized allergic sensitivities in the body. [6]

Research continuing through 1999 in Belarus showed immune building, normalization of peroxide lipid oxidation and detoxifying effects of spirulina supplements in children and teenagers. Scientists theorized spirulina may form non-absorbable complexes of radionucleides through analogues such as calcium or potassium and promotes their excretion. [7]

The half life of Iodine 131 is about 8 days, which means the radioactivity of Iodine 131 decreases by half every 8 days. While it travels through dust in the air, the radiation decreases rapidly as it travels. Thus it is not effective to take iodine-enriched food for people far away from the radiation site. However, half life of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 are about 30 years. As those radionucleocides enters human body, it accumulates and releases its energy to destroy the DNA of nearby cells, cause irreversible devastating effects to internal organs. Spirulina is proven by Belarus and Ukraine to be effectively lowering the amount of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 in the human body. Therefore, to cope with radiation damage, not only you have to take the correct food supplement, the origin of the spirulina has to be unpolluted from the contamination, to be truly effective in lowering radiation level.        

1. Belookaya, T. Corres. from Chairman of Byelorussian Committee “Children of Chernobyl” May 31, 1991.
2. Zozulia IS, Iurchenko AV. The adaptive potentials of those who worked in the cleanup of the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station under the influence of different treatment methods. Lik Sprava. 2000 Apr-Jun;(3-4):18-21.
3. Loseva, L.P. and Dardynskaya, I.V. Spirulina- natural sorbent of radionucleides. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 6th Intl Congress of Applied Algology, Czech Republic, Sep. 9, 1993.
4. Sokolovskiy, V. Corres. from the First Secretary BSSR Mission to the United Nations, May 20, 1991.
5. Qishen, P. et. al. Radioprotective effect of extract from spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test. Toxicology letters. 1989. 48:165-169.
6. Evets, P. et. al. Means to normalize the levels of immunoglobulin E, using the food supplement spirulina. Grodenski State Medical Univ. Russian Fed Comm Patents and Trade.
7. Loseva, L.P. Spirulina platensis and specialties to support detoxifying pollutants and to strengthen the immune system. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. Presented at 8th Int'l Congress of Applied Algology, Italy Sep. 1999.

2011年3月17日 星期四


在車諾比核電廠爆炸的數年後,多達四百萬人仍生活在烏克蘭和白俄羅斯裡危險的放射性地區。 超過11,000平方英里的面積上,水,土壤和食物被輻射物污染。 超過16萬名兒童是輻射中毒受害者,出現了出生缺陷,白血病,癌症,甲狀腺疾病,貧血,喪失視力,降低食慾,​​免疫系統衰落等症狀,現在被稱為“車諾比愛滋病。” 醫生的報告中指出螺旋藻可以降低車諾比事件中,受到輻射汙染的兒童的傷害。 在短短的20天內,螺旋藻降低了尿液中50%的放射性物質的含量。 這一結果來自於白俄羅斯首都明斯克的放射醫學研究所的實驗,每天給予孩子們5克的螺旋藻,並每20天治療100名兒童。 [1]在1991年的研究中,針對49名3歲至7歲,在Beryozova的幼稚園的小朋友,給予所有的兒童們45天的螺旋藻。 醫生們發現T細胞抑制劑及有益的荷爾蒙上升,並在83%的兒童中發現,尿液中的放射性減少。 [1] 

在一個包含162例病人的全面性評估實驗當中,百分之八十被診斷為第一階段和第二階段的非循環性腦性病變(Dyscirculatory Encephalopathy, DE),百分之二十是在第三階段。 DE的發病過程成因在於自律神經受到巨大的壓力,造成各種功能系統(血管,中樞神經,消化,荷爾蒙和腦部)的管理機制的破壞。在某些情況下,自主神經的崩潰可能會發生在從衰弱或損傷的昏迷甦醒過程中。DE的治療和康復是用piracetam, vinpocetine, cerebrolysine配合magne B6,以及植物吸收物(螺旋藻,quercitrol和vitapectine). 會啟動修復中央及自律神經的調節補償及適應機制,長效性地緩解並預防併發症,促進正常工作活性。[2] 

1993年的報告證實了1990-91年間未發表的研究,總結了“螺旋藻能降低體內因攝取具有銫137, 鍶90,或放射性核物質的食物而累積的輻射量。對於長期在低劑量的輻射感染的孩童中,具有讓身體適應及回復的效果。“ [3] 
根據1990年的測試,白俄羅斯衛生局下了一個結論,螺旋藻可促進放射性核物質從人體內的排除,且沒有副作用的形成。 該局認為這是可以建議給受到輻射影響的人的所攝取的食物,並向螺旋藻生產地申請額外捐贈。 [4] 

1989中國的研究發現,天然螺旋藻多醣的提取物有保護小鼠,預防伽馬輻射線的傷害。 [5] 

一份1994年,俄羅斯的得獎專利提出,使用螺旋藻作為醫療性食品(medical food),以減少輻射所產生的過敏反應。270名在輻射性地區生活的兒童, 他們有慢性的輻射疾病和異常的高過敏免疫球蛋白(IgE)的標記。 其中的35位兒童每天食用20粒(約5克)的螺旋藻為期45天。結果顯示,螺旋藻降低血液中的IgE水平,使體內過敏性回復正常。 [6] 

白俄羅斯到1999年的持續研究顯示,螺旋藻對於兒童和青少年免疫的建立,脂質受到過氧化氫的氧化正常化和解毒作用都有效果。 科學家們推論螺旋藻可能形成了放射性核物質的類似物如鈣或鉀,來與之競爭,促進了放射性物質的排放。 [7] 


1. Belookaya, T. Corres. from Chairman of Byelorussian Committee “Children of Chernobyl” May 31, 1991.
2. Zozulia IS, Iurchenko AV. The adaptive potentials of those who worked in the cleanup of the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station under the influence of different treatment methods. Lik Sprava. 2000 Apr-Jun;(3-4):18-21.
3. Loseva, L.P. and Dardynskaya, I.V. Spirulina- natural sorbent of radionucleides. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 6th Intl Congress of Applied Algology, Czech Republic, Sep. 9, 1993.
4. Sokolovskiy, V. Corres. from the First Secretary BSSR Mission to the United Nations, May 20, 1991.
5. Qishen, P. et. al. Radioprotective effect of extract from spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test. Toxicology letters. 1989. 48:165-169.
6. Evets, P. et. al. Means to normalize the levels of immunoglobulin E, using the food supplement spirulina. Grodenski State Medical Univ. Russian Fed Comm Patents and Trade.
7. Loseva, L.P. Spirulina platensis and specialties to support detoxifying pollutants and to strengthen the immune system. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. Presented at 8th Int'l Congress of Applied Algology, Italy Sep. 1999.